European Consumer Centre Czech Republic (ECC) provides information about consumer rights in the European Common Market. It assists and advises consumers in their disputes with merchants from other countries of the European Union, Norway and Iceland.



Not only discounts undergo big changes as from today

(Prague, 6 January 2023) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority points to the effectiveness of the amendment to the Act on Consumer Protection, which has a major impact on traders, especially in relation to special offers and clearance sales. “When determining discounts on products, traders will now have to base their discounts exclusively on the lowest price they have sold the product for in the last 30 days,” said Jan Štěpánek, director...

Press Releases


Czech Trade Inspection Authority carried out 223 inspections of e-shops in Q1 2024 and found infringements in 175 cases 

(Prague, 12 June 2024) In the first quarter of this year, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority continued its targeted inspections of e-shops. It carried out a total of 223 inspections...

In the first quarter, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority inspected the obligations of sellers when providing discounts on product prices 

(Prague, 7 June 2024) In the first quarter of this year, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority focused on the fulfilment of obligations arising from Act No.634/1992 Coll., on Consumer...

Czech Trade Inspection Authority inspected sellers of electronic vignettes 

(Prague, 3 June 2024) In the period from 15 February and 28 March 2024, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTIA) carried out an extraordinary inspection action focused on the sale...

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